We'll add this form to your application and, lately, to your employment contract. This form will be a synthesis of your nature.
Sibyl, our system IA in which terminal you are reading this, will help you cover all your statistics.
Put your name, age of death, and gender.
What department Sybil has put you in? Write it down.
What Physical, Mental or Social #Tags did it assing to you? Remember to check if they are coherent with your Department
Please make some bullet points about your life in the BIOGRAPHY section for sibyl to contrast the info.
Detail briefly your death circumstances in the OBITUARY section.
Declare two beliefs or vital lessons as #Harshtags based on your past life or your death.
Choose 2 specialties from your Department you are proficient in and another one concerning your origins. Eg: A XVI century buccaneer can have Specialty: Navigation.
Some Specialties can be forbidden by the manager if they are incompatible with your origins. Eg: The buccaneer may not have a Technology specialty.
Your Health would be calculated (add the results of 1d10 and 1d10 of each Physical Tags you have)
You will be calculated (1 Will level and another level for each Mental and Social #Tags)
You begin with 1 Confidence point.
Make an inventory of the personal items you've brought with you to the afterlife. You're allowed to take three items.
You will receive a Sibyl terminal and a Corporation credit card and a Level card.
Check the Directives associated with your Department you will be allowed to sign for initial clauses and regulations, the equivalent of 4 Promotion points -see next section-. Be attentive to their effects, the kind of dice roll they need to be used, their roll difficulty levels, and the Will required.
Download the form
Employees Promotion
In our company, we assess our employees in a continuous evaluation.
Each successful Mission (or sub-mission) they accomplish receives Promotion points they can use these Promotion points to register new #Tags, study new areas of expertise, and access new Directives.
1 Promotion point to fulfill
the mission to everyone
1 promotion to the most creative employee
1 promotion point to the employee
that stayed in character
1 promotion point to the employee
that saved the day.
SPECIAL PROMOTION: Those who have reached the end of the current GAME with more Confidence points than the rest will earn 1 SPECIAL PROMOTION POINT.
2 points to merge two or more #Harshtag into a #Soultag
2 points for a new
1 point to unlock a new Regulation. 2 point to unlock a new Clause
1 Point to get a new #Harshtag, must be a vital lesson learnt in this mission.